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12A. Bolognius Maximus
Dib notices that Zim never eats the food in the cafeteria, so he throws a piece of bologna on Zim and he burns up. Zim gets revenge on Dib by making him sit on a tack that injects bologna DNA into him. When Dib starts to turn into a bologna sausage, he tricks Zim into a handshake with the same tack. The two have to work together to find a cure, but never do.
12B. Game Slave 2
Gaz sees a commercial for the new Game Slave 2, but sadly she has to take Dib with her. So she has to sit through Mysterious Mysteries. When they get to the mall, a REALLY long line has formed. When Gaz steps up to claim her GS2, they're all out except for one that was never picked up. Iggins, the guy behind Gaz, falsely claims to be the one who ordered the GS2, so he gets the GS2. Gaz sets out on a mission to get Iggins's Game Slave 2. When Iggins finally gives up his GS2, the rightful order has been restored.
Thank you to Invader A-Bomb for submitting these guides!
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