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Choose: Zim :: GIR :: Dib :: Gaz
It's not easy being green.
Well, actually, it is on Irk, unless you're short. In fact, being short on Irk really sucks. It especially sucks if you are an overly excitable failure-prone pest. That is the story of Zim's life.
After completely ruining Operation Impending Doom 1, including his home planet, Irk, Zim was exiled. The Almighty Tallest, leaders of the Irken Empire, held a meeting to discuss Operation Impending Doom 2, when Zim showed up, insisting on being reassigned. They sent him to a worthless space rock called Earth, hoping that he would never return.
Upon reaching Earth, Zim discovered that this planet was occupied by unintelligent "human stink-beasts". He set up his base, and began to work towards conquering. What is holding him back? G.I.R., his robot, which unbeknownst to Zim was made out of trash, and Dib, the only one of Zim's Skool-mates to realize what he really is.
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