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Choose: Zim :: GIR :: Dib :: Gaz
Cute and lovable.
Good characteristics in a plush toy, but not in a Standard Issue Information Retrieval Unit. Actually, these aren't characteristics in any S.I.R. They describe G.I.R. Why is G.I.R. cute and lovable instead of serious and obedient? Because it is made out of trash. What does the "G" stand for? Ummm... no one knows.
Given to Zim by The Almighty Tallest so they wouldn't have to waste a real robot on him, (telling him that G.I.R. was a new, top-secret model) the little robot sang the "Doom Song" for over six months en- route to Earth. Zim's torture did not end there. G.I.R.'s hobbies include watching TV, especially "The Scary Monkey Show" ("~I love this show!~") and replacing its parts with food, such as tuna and cupcakes. ("~I miss you cupcake.~")
When undercover, G.I.R. is disguised as Zim's unbelievably cute, yet bizarre, green puppy.
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