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6A. Career Day
Ms. Bitters' class is taking an aptitude test for Career Day. They had to identify blotches to identify their careers. Dib gets a job as a paranormal investigator, and Zim gets a job in fast food preparation. Dib finds out that the rash on Zim's neck is because of a Galactic Equinox, so Dib tries to get Bill (the paranormal guy who Dib got teamed up with) to go to MacMeatie's to see the molt. But Count Cocofang was right next door, so Dib misses the molt and Zim survives another day away from an autopsy table.
6B. Battle Dib
Dib gets his chance to show the members of the Swollen Eyeballs his findings on Zim, but he has to take a test to make it into the audience to his dad's show. He passes the first part by .1%, but loses against Shunk Wugga in round 2. Dib gets dragged away, but gets his permission slip signed by his dad, but forgets his stuff outside.
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